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사이즈 측정사이트에서 나온결과인데 해석 좀 ㅡ_ㅡ;;;

WILD 곰돌2005.08.20 19:47조회 수 351댓글 1

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해석 좀 부탁드립니다.

Overall Reach Road = Effective Top Tube length + Stem Length.
We know the top tube on every frame we sell. Based on your overall reach,
we recommend the ideal stem length.

Your Overall Reach is ::  64cm Center-to-Center (유효 탑튜브 길이 + 스템길이?)

Frames are measured different by each manufacturers.
There are two typical ways to measure a frame
Center-to-Top and Center-to-Center. We take these different measurements
into account and only show you the fames that fit you specifically.

Your Frame Size is ::  in Center-to-Top / in Center-to-Center

Saddle height is determined by a fraction of the riders inseam.
NOTE: the recommended saddle height can vary for each cyclist.
All recommendations have a plus or minus 1cm variance.
Also, make all adjustments in small steps, i.e. 0.5cm at a time over one week of riding, and mark your initial saddle height so that you always know where you began.
If you experience any pain from your adjustment, move the saddle height back to where you began. At this point we would recommend that you take all or your measurements again to insure accuracy.
If you have any questions, please don뭪 hesitate to ask.

Your Recommended Saddle Height is ::  73.29cm
(어디서 부터 안장까지의 높이를 말하는건지....)

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  • 유효탑튜브+스템 길이 맞습니다. 유효 탑튜브는 제조사 홈피에 있줘..
    비비부터 안장 높이 까지 아닌가요?
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