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이 페니어 10만원이면 싼가요?

kh3452005.12.07 07:46조회 수 440댓글 1

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안녕하세요. 저는 지금 뉴질랜드에 있는데요. 여행용 페니어를 구매할려고하는데

이 페니어가 한국돈으로 10만원정도면 잘하면 살수 있을거 같아서 그러는데 이거 쓸만한건가요 그리고 가격도 10만원정도면 괜찮은건가요?

제가 페니어는 한번도 써본적이 없어서 그러는데 이거 장착할려면 짐받이를 달아야하는건가요. 대충 이거 어떻게 장착하는건가요? 추가 부품이 필요한건가요?


Set of two bicycle bags with lifetime warranty, made in Europe!

These huge waterproof panniers will suit even the most demanding globetrotters!

Thanks to the specially coated fabric, molecular welded panels and water-tight roll closure, CROSSO DRY bags are 100% waterproof. They will easily cope not only with the heaviest rains but also with streams and rivers you may need to ford on your way!

No more wet sleeping bag or soaked digital camera! Everything inside these panniers will remain perfectly DRY!!

Other features include unbreakable buckles, robust stiff plate with shape memory, and one of the most indestructible mounting systems ever created, based on 2mm thick stainless steel hooks!

CROSSO DRY panniers were succesfully used on tours beyond Northern Polar Circle, around South America and all over New Zealand.

All CROSSO panniers come with the LIFETIME WARRANTY!!

- capacity: 60 litres / pair
- weight: 1400g / pair
- 100% waterproof,
- floating
- reflectors visible from up to 600m
- stainless steel hooks
- unbreakable stiff plate
- unbreakable buckles
- convenient handle

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  • 좋군요..라이프타임 워런티도 한국오면 계속되나? 방수니 좋겠네요. 코알라를 두마리 넣고 오세요.
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