One of the machinists' first tasks is to create your tube set to spec. Virtually every frame we make has a different blend of tubes, fine-tuned specifically for each customer's needs. Variables such as the rider's weight, style of riding, and usage are all considered, and help us to develop optimized tube sets. Even Seven's stock sizes have more finely tuned tube sets between sizes than you'll find with any other manufacturer.
The machinists collect your tubing, and visually and mechanically inspect each tube to be sure that they meet your frame's required spec. They then cut the tubes to length based on your CAD drawing, and butt the tubes to spec. The frame's head tube is also cut to length and externally, eccentrically butted to size using Seven's custom butt tooling.
Our titanium frames are built from Seven's Argen™ seamless 3-2.5 tube set, butted using our own proprietary technology. Butting the tubing ourselves allows us an almost infinite selection of wall thickness and diameter combinations. Since wall thickness differentials between the butted and non-butted sections of an externally butted titanium tube are unlimited, every possible permutation of wall thicknesses for a given diameter is feasible. Coupled with titanium's high fatigue life-to-weight ratio, we can modify tube geometries to build light weight frames as stiff or resilient as you desire.
With the wide variety of high performance steels available to us, we're able to fine-tune our Origin™ steel tube sets, too. Although no one supplier, alone, has enough tube wall and diameter combinations to fulfill our requirements, we can mix and match tubes from various sources to create our own optimized tube sets.
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The machinists collect your tubing, and visually and mechanically inspect each tube to be sure that they meet your frame's required spec. They then cut the tubes to length based on your CAD drawing, and butt the tubes to spec. The frame's head tube is also cut to length and externally, eccentrically butted to size using Seven's custom butt tooling.
Our titanium frames are built from Seven's Argen™ seamless 3-2.5 tube set, butted using our own proprietary technology. Butting the tubing ourselves allows us an almost infinite selection of wall thickness and diameter combinations. Since wall thickness differentials between the butted and non-butted sections of an externally butted titanium tube are unlimited, every possible permutation of wall thicknesses for a given diameter is feasible. Coupled with titanium's high fatigue life-to-weight ratio, we can modify tube geometries to build light weight frames as stiff or resilient as you desire.
With the wide variety of high performance steels available to us, we're able to fine-tune our Origin™ steel tube sets, too. Although no one supplier, alone, has enough tube wall and diameter combinations to fulfill our requirements, we can mix and match tubes from various sources to create our own optimized tube sets.
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