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Fork Manitou R7 Platinum, 80mm-travel

aidi2006.12.10 09:41조회 수 1146댓글 0

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사용 해보신 분 계시면

성능이나 사용방법에 대해서 좀 자세한 설명 좀 부탁드립니다..

You’re not going to find a lighter, stiffer, more bitchin’ cross country/marathon racing and riding fork than the R7. The R7 family is packed deep with performance: Parabolic arch RA casting, Snap Valve SPV damping, optimized aluminum legs, an all new CrossHatch bored hollow forged aluminum crown, and a superlight air spring system. It’s so damn futuristic, it could be the weapon of choice in an H.G. Wells thriller. And the main character in that thriller…you, my friend. It’s you.
• Weight: 3.2 or 3.3lbs
• Travel: 80mm or 100mm
• Damping: Fluid Flow
• Adjustments: Air, Snap Valve Platform Pressure, Rebound
• Lubrication: Semi-Bath with Evil Genius Seals
• Spring: Air
• Casting: Magnesium RA
• Stanchions: 30mm Aluminum
• Steerer: 1 1/8" 7050 Aluminum
• Crown: Hollow Forged Aluminum
• Ride Height (axle to race): 470mm max
• Axle: Standard QR
• Colors: Merida Team Green or Black

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