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@@공동구매@@케인크릭 탑모델 헤드셋 S8

moor2006.06.28 17:33조회 수 400댓글 0

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케인크릭 탑모델 S8
무게 : 112g
소비자가 \120,000~\150,000(미국 msrp $75)
공동구매가 \65,000

The S-8 headset is an updated design of our S-6 headset, featuring replaceable bearings and a lighter, more compact profile.

In addition to its sealed stainless steel cartridge bearings, the S-8's overhanging cup/cover design keeps contaminants from reaching the bearings. This overhanging "treacherous path" feature is repeated with the lower cup/crown race.

All Cane Creek headsets, including the S-8, feature design details such as an undercut transition and stepped insertion for ease of assembly into frames; and are compatible with Cane Creek Interlok spacers.

Classic: fits in a traditionally designed head tube and utilizes external bearing cups.

1-1/8 inch (28.6mm)

cnc-machined 6061 aluminum cups stainless steel crown race with integrated rubber seal. replaceable stainless steel sealed cartridge bearings with neoprene bearing seals

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