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진빠리2005.05.24 00:43조회 수 317추천 수 21댓글 3

    • 글자 크기

I can see the pain
living in your eyes
and I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your hurt
and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize
All you ever meant to my life
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
from where you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say
but goodbye

You deserve a chance
at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful for me
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
from where you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say
but goodbye

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
and though it's gonna hurt us both
there's just no other way
than to say goodbye

- Jessica -

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댓글 3
  • 진빠리글쓴이
    2005.5.24 00:48 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    오늘은 이곡으로 마무리합니다...
    시금까시...빠리의 음악여행을 가치해순...남부군들에게 감사의 말씀을 선하면서
    내일 또 뵙기로 하겠습니다.
  • 진빠리글쓴이
    2005.5.24 00:51 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    가씨...수고해준 싱사는 하나양에게두 행복한 밤시간 되길 빕니다...
  • 네... 멋진 선곡에 박수드리며 감사드립니다.
    오늘도 행복카게 잠들 수 있을듯....
    아니.. 지금부터 일하러 컴터앞으로 꼬고~ 꼬고~
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