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Rain....Jose Feliciano

진빠리2005.07.01 22:24조회 수 679추천 수 11댓글 2

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Listen to the pouring rain, listen to it pour,
And with every drop of rain, you know l love you more.
Let it rain all night long Let bmy love for you grow- strong
As long as we're to-ge-ther, who cares- about the wea-ther
Lis-ten to the fall-ing rain lis-ten to it fall.-
And with every drop of rain- l can hear you call-
Call my name right out loud- l can hear above the clouds
And l'm here among the puddles You and I together huddle
Listen to the falling rain Listan to the rain-
lt's rain-ing it's pour-ing the old man is snor-ing
Went to bed, And he bumped head  He couldn't get- up in the moring---
Listen to the falling rain listen to the rain---  m--
Listen to the falling rain listen to the rain--  rain~~ oh~~

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댓글 2
  • 진빠리글쓴이
    2005.7.1 22:25 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    20일만에 야근 안허구 집에서 식구둘과 저녘을 먹으니...카~...조타!!!
  • 와~ 부럽다...
    전 어제 철야놀이 하구 이제 퇴근할라구요~
    내일 참석할라구, 또 무리합니다.
    오늘은 일찍가서 자야지.. 휴~~ 근데 조과장님씨가 호출하면.. ㅠ.,ㅠ
    참석여부 70%임네다~
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