해결 안된 질문
2001년 SID SL 트레블 조정 메뉴얼...
추천 수 ( 0 ) 매뉴얼은 제가 있는데 번역이 시원찮아서 그냥 원문 적습니다.
While pushing the knob in (default position) rebound damping
can be increased by turning the knob(전면에서 봤을 때 좌측 하단의
고리) clockwise and reduced by turning the knob counterclockwise.
Compression damping is adjusted by pulling the knob outward
until the detent is felt and then increased by turning the knob
clockwise or reduced by turning the knob counterclockwise.
While pushing the knob in (default position) rebound damping
can be increased by turning the knob(전면에서 봤을 때 좌측 하단의
고리) clockwise and reduced by turning the knob counterclockwise.
Compression damping is adjusted by pulling the knob outward
until the detent is felt and then increased by turning the knob
clockwise or reduced by turning the knob counterclockwise.
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