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자전거에 관련된 책(소설,정비,여행),만화,애니,영화 가르쳐 주세요^^

ditrid 2003.11.01 00:18 내공 포인트
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한 1년 전에 보았던 내마음 속의 자전거를

사서 옆에 두고 계속 읽으면서

자전거에 관련된 여러가지

관련된   책,영화,만화


자전거에 관련된 거라면 아무거라도 좋습니다^^

뭐있나 좀 가르쳐 주세요~~

목록 답변등록

답변 (8)

godgump 2003.11.01 00:21
만화책 "스피드 도둑" 추천이요^^
아이수 2003.11.01 00:25
1. Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintenance
by Lennard Zinn, et al (Paperback - April 2000)
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List Price: $19.95
Buy new: $13.97
Used & new from $13.92

• Excerpt from page 1: ". . . a bike without a basic assort- ment of tools And bicycles, like other evolved machines such as automobiles and watches, have . . ."
See more references to bicycle in this book.

2. Zinn and the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance 3 Ed
by Lennard Zinn, Todd Telander (Illustrator) (Paperback)
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Editions: Paperback | more...

Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $21.95
Buy new: $15.37
Used & new from $14.98

• Excerpt from page 3: ". . . using metric open end/box end wrenches grease designed specifically for bicycles; however, standard automotive grease is okay, except in suspension forks . . ."
See more references to bicycle in this book.

3. Bicycling Magazine's Complete Guide to Bicycle Maintenance and Repair for Road and Mountain Bikes
by Jim Langley (Paperback - May 1999)
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Also available for in-store pickup today. List Price: $19.95
Buy new: $13.97
In-store Pickup: $19.95
Used & new from $13.52

4. The Ultimate Ride: Get Fit, Get Fast, and Start Winning With the World's Top Cycling Coach
by Chris Carmichael, Jim Rutberg (Contributor) (Hardcover - June 2003)
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List Price: $24.95
Buy new: $17.47
Used & new from $12.94

5. The Essential Touring Cyclist: A Complete Guide for the Bicycle Traveler, Second Edition
by Richard A. Lovett, Vera Jagendorf (Photographer) (Paperback)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $14.95
Buy new: $14.95
Used & new from $10.21

• Excerpt from page 1: ". . . do it. So I went down and bought ... a bicycle. The Expert came home with me to instruct me.... We . . ."
See more references to bicycle in this book.

6. Bicycling Magazine's Complete Book of Road Cycling Skills: Your Guide to Riding Faster, Stronger, Longer, and Safer
by Ed Pavelka (Editor), et al (Paperback - January 1998)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $15.95
Buy new: $11.17
Used & new from $9.25

7. Bicycle Repair Manual
by Richard Ballantine, Richard Grant (Contributor) (Paperback - April 1994)
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Editions: Library Binding | Paperback | more...

Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $10.00
Buy new: $8.00
Used & new from $5.25

8. Bobke II
by Bob Bobke Roll (Paperback - October 2003)

Not yet released.
List Price: $16.95
Buy new: $11.87

9. Live the Life You Love: In Ten Easy Step-By Step Lessons
by Barbara Sher (Paperback - March 1997)
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Editions: Hardcover | Paperback

Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $12.95
Buy new: $10.36
Used & new from $5.09

• Excerpt from page 106: ". . . kid? I can't make a living riding a bike!" No? Bicycles are big business. People are riding them, design- ing them, . . ."
See more references to bicycle in this book.

10. The Lance Armstrong Performance Program: Seven Weeks to the Perfect Ride
by Lance Armstrong, et al (Paperback - September 2000)
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Editions: Paperback

Usually ships in 24 hours
Also available for in-store pickup today. List Price: $15.95
Buy new: $11.17
In-store Pickup: $15.95
Used & new from $4.50

날초~ 2003.11.01 00:30
dkt ekqqusdl wjaqn fjtldkdjekt! -_-;;
까꿍 2003.11.01 00:34
사이트가 바뀟나.. 이머꼬.. 영어네.. ㅡ.ㅡ
자전거도둑이란 영화두 있죠..
바지씨 2003.11.01 11:19
영화 : 북경자전거
mulberry 2003.11.01 13:05
스피드도둑... 원제는 run for tommorow(철자가 맞나...???)
그외에 국내만화가 몇 작품있고...(물론 만화책...)

그리고, '내 사랑 스파이'란 영화에서 톰행크스가 사이클타고 다닙니다...

그외에 잘 찾아 보시면 사이클과 BMX를 소재로 한 영화는 제법 있습니다... MTB보다는 대중적이라...^^
bloodlust 2003.11.01 21:47
김훈의 '자전거 여행'이라는 책도 있습니다만 자전거 이야기는 거의 안나옵니다.
jhcheong1 2003.11.05 11:41
퀵실버라는 영화가 있습니다.
미국젊은이들의 메신저생활얘기인데 전부 사이클만 나옵니다.
우리나라로 치면 자전거퀵배달부얘기쯤 되겠는데 저는 이영화 대여섯번은 본 기억이 나네요.

