해결 안된 질문

슈퍼고... 배송때문에 문의 드립니다.. 쪼금만 더 도와 주세요~!
추천 수 ( 0 )먼저.. 지난번 답변 정말 정말 감사드립니다...
슈퍼고에서 Address Verified 라는 이메일이 왔는데요...
FedEx 하고.. USPS 중에서 고르라는군요.... 음.. 근데 기간이 얼마나 걸리는지..
혹시 아시는분 계신가요??..
그리고.. 배송료가 추가가 되는거 같은데요... 대략 먼소린지..
Dear Mr. Jang,
You have two shipping options available. The first is FedEx Air, this option incurs an approximate handling fee of $23.25, as well as an estimated fee of $30-40, with delivery in 7-10 business days. The second option is USPS Mail which incurs the handling fee only and delivery in 4-8 weeks. Please advise how to proceed with the order. Thank you.
슈퍼고에서 Address Verified 라는 이메일이 왔는데요...
FedEx 하고.. USPS 중에서 고르라는군요.... 음.. 근데 기간이 얼마나 걸리는지..
혹시 아시는분 계신가요??..
그리고.. 배송료가 추가가 되는거 같은데요... 대략 먼소린지..
Dear Mr. Jang,
You have two shipping options available. The first is FedEx Air, this option incurs an approximate handling fee of $23.25, as well as an estimated fee of $30-40, with delivery in 7-10 business days. The second option is USPS Mail which incurs the handling fee only and delivery in 4-8 weeks. Please advise how to proceed with the order. Thank you.
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