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투르드 프랑스.... 지금 랜스 암스트롱 구간 우승 직전입니다.

Only2004.07.17 23:52조회 수 384댓글 0

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BASSO Ivan 선수와 다투고 있는데, 조금 앞서있는 듯 합니다.

16 H 48 - 5km To Go
Armstrong is now out of the saddle and turning the pedals at a rapid cadence. Basso is matching the effort but remains seated. This pair have less than 5km to race

16 H 52 - 4km To Go For Lance and Ivan
Ivan Basso and Lance Armstrong are less than 4km from the finish. They are going to fight it out for the stage win. No one else is close. The question is, can Voeckler hang on to his overall lead... answer: unlikely! He is 3'55" behind at the 5km to go mark. Armstrong only needs to make up another 1'29" to inherit the overall lead.

16 H 53 - Ullrich Catches Azevedo
Jan Ullrich has caught Azevedo at the 4km to go mark. At the 5km mark, Ullrich was 2'00" behind Armstrong and Basso.

16 H 58 - Armstrong and Basso Talking...
With 2km to go, Armstrong waited for Basso to come past. The American clearly had something to say to the Italian. Is it going to be another scene that sees Armstrong roll across the line behind Basso?

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옳으신 말씀입니다. (by 이진학) 이런거요? (by 가을)

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공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3241
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121632 잘 다녀오셨습니까? ^^* 가을 2004.07.18 168
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투르드 프랑스.... 지금 랜스 암스트롱 구간 우승 직전입니다. Only 2004.07.17 384
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