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Help...Looking for a bike store in Seoul

Emile2005.04.15 14:22조회 수 579댓글 0

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Hi. My name is Emile, I'm from Switzerland, studying in Seoul.  I would like to buy a MTB hardtail and I was wondering if you could suggest a good store where I could get one.  I am 1m90 so I need a BIG bike (21 - 23 inch) frame...HUGE, haha..Anyway, if you could help me with that, I would greatly appreciate it. You can send an email to me at: jgermiquet@hotmail.com. You can write me in Korean, I have a friend who can translate it for me.  Thank you once again for your help.

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황사 조심하세요~ (by 우량아) 많이 많이 축하드립니다. (by 철티뷔)

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