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Re: cycling to get work ......Hi , there!

........2001.07.18 17:01조회 수 239댓글 0

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cliff님께서 남기신 글입니다.
: Hello Everyone!
: From next week, I'll ride a bike(Road bike) to get work.
: One way is about 13 miles (33km) from home to office.
: It'll take about an hour. But I can save gasoline cost. ^^
: So in this weekend, I have a plan to buy a mid-range road
: bike.
: If there's somewon who is familiar with road bike, please
: advise me to choose model.
: Hope everything is going well with you.
: Bye...
: Cliff
Hi !  If you can't catch the answer. You'd better check in joywell. Maybe they'll give the answer.
Good luck.
From: Wonjo.

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고맙습니다^^(냉무) (by ........) cycling to get work (by ........)

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공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3350
38760 하늘소님.. ........ 2001.07.18 165
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38758 말발굽님... ........ 2001.07.18 144
38757 정말 반가웠습니다. ........ 2001.07.18 163
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38752 Re: 정식으로......추카 추카 ........ 2001.07.18 164
38751 신고합니다! ........ 2001.07.18 289
38750 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ........ 2001.07.18 165
38749 오늘부터... ........ 2001.07.18 178
38748 ㅎㅎㅎ 뭘요... ........ 2001.07.18 182
38747 고맙습니다^^(냉무) ........ 2001.07.18 166
Re: cycling to get work ......Hi , there! ........ 2001.07.18 239
38745 cycling to get work ........ 2001.07.18 236
38744 ^^; ........ 2001.07.18 169
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38742 없습니다..ㅎㅎㅎ ........ 2001.07.18 152
38741 수류탄님... ........ 2001.07.18 182
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