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Re: To MiRoo or Bikeholic

........2001.07.27 23:19조회 수 207댓글 0

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Hi! Cliff Nim...
Regarding your requisition, please be informed my recommendation as below;
1.Hex Wrench Set HXS-2(before buy it, to check your tool box)
2.Sealed Cartridge Bottom Bracket Tool BBT-2
3.Wheel Truing Stand TS-2(...it so expensive but it so comfortable to handle...-_-;;;)
4.Cassette Lock-ring Remover FR-5 (also you have to buy monkey spanner)
5.Chainwhip/Freewheel & Lock-ring Remover SR-1
6.Cable and Housing Cutter CN-4
7.Spoke Wrench (before buy it, to check your tool box)

If you have any questions for handling method of above tools, call me again.

Are you ready to save money? .....^^;;;

사족) 담부터는 영어로 질문하면 답 않해줄껴...-_-;;;

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