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코나산악자전거를 잃어버렸습니다.

........2001.10.24 07:02조회 수 337댓글 0

    • 글자 크기

Please help me.

I am a New Zealand english teacher living in Korea.

Last Friday morning (19 October),  my 'Kona'  'Kiluaea' mountainbike was stolen from my friend's house in 홍 제 동.

I love my bike and want to find my bike again.

My bike is colored orange/yellow.  It has no suspension.  Its components were:

- Mavic ceramic rims.
- LX/XT chain drive.
- XT shifter and XTR brake levers.
- Chris King headset.
- Race face cranks and stem.
- Easton seat post and handlebar.

My orange and yellow Giro helmet, and a Camelbac bag, were also stolen.

If you have seen this bike, please contact me or the police.

My email address is dmdnz@hotmail.com.  My Korean friend's telephone number is (031) 774 5718.

I would be very happy if you can help me.

Thank you very much,  Duncan Davidson

    • 글자 크기
방법 (by ........) 가을이라 가을바람 솔솔 부는데...... (십자수님 필독) (by ........)

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46399 드디어 도착했습니다. 제 잔차가... ........ 2001.10.24 206
46398 가을이라 가을바람 솔솔 부는데...... (십자수님 필독) ........ 2001.10.24 146
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46388 Re: 7 시간은 스페어 팩 포함시간입니다. ........ 2001.10.24 146
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46385 윽.... 뭐가뭔지 하나도 몰것네.. ㅜㅜ ........ 2001.10.24 142
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46381 방법 ........ 2001.10.24 153
코나산악자전거를 잃어버렸습니다. ........ 2001.10.24 337
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