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stolen Kona pictures

........2001.10.24 23:52조회 수 252댓글 0

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Thank you to everyone for their help.

I ahve only one picture of my Kona with me in Korea.  It is a picture of me and a Korean friend cycling in England.  The picture is not very clear, and I do not know how to scan it.

I'm studying Korean, but my Korean is very small, so using Korean websites or scanning a picture is very difficult.

I would really appreciate any help from Korean mountain bikers,  I am living in Yangp'yong now, but I am moving to Seoul next week, and I could meet you in Seoul any day this week or next.

If I don't find my Kona, I will probably buy a new bike in Korea.  I would like to meet many good Korean friends to go cycling with.  So I am very sad that I don't have a bike.

If anyone could help me in Seoul, I would be very, very thankful.

My email address is  dmdnz@hotmail.com

Thank you,

Duncan Davidson

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[퍼온글] MTB와 티뷰론의 비교 시승기 (by ........) stolen Kona pictures (by ........)

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