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To Dunken...

xxgen2003.04.04 22:46조회 수 145댓글 0

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Hi Duncen...

I fully understand you.
actually said, it is little bit sorry about that.
But we ride together next time.
if you have time and want to ride together, call or leave a message here
Have a nice weekend.

>안녕하세요 xxgen님.
>OK.  좋습니다.  솔직히 말하면 너무 일찍 일어나지는 않습니다.
>저는 게으른 남자되면 안됩니다.  그래서 오늘 밤에 아주 일찍 잘 거예요.  내일 아침에 잠실 매표소에서 당신을 만날 거예요.
>나중에 봐요.
>>Hi! how are you??
>>We have plan to go to Kang chon this saturday(April fifth, 2003).
>>If you have time, join us.
>>Kang chon course is very famous and nice course.
>>you need more detaily information, please check let's race  BBS.
>>i really hope to see you this saturday.
>>Have a nice day!!
>>xxgen(Phillip shin)

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