Surly Pugsley Go-Anywhere Frame !
To boldly go where no bike has gone before...
Surly's new Pugsley is, in its way, as revolutionary as the original mountain bikes were in the early 1980s.
The basic concept is "rolligon-like" super-wide, looooow-pressure tires.
These tires are intended to conform to the shape of soft surfaces, rather than working by digging in as conventional MTB knobby tires do.
This makes the bike more "trail friendly" and permits it to be ridden on soft surfaces (sand, gravel, mud, snow...) that would cause a conventional mountain bike to get bogged down and stuck.
The fat, soft tires also provide excellent "suspension" without introducing the complicated moving/sliding/pivoting parts used on most newer mountain bikes.
Although it looks heavy the Pugsley is actually not all that heavy, thanks to the simplicity of the frame design.
The big tires make it look as if it must weigh a ton, but they're mostly air, after all! Our display bike, shown above, tips the scales at 37 pounds.
You need to actually ride this bike on a soft surface to appreciate its amazing capabilities.
This is the ideal bike for Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket, just to mention some places in our neck of the woods where the sand trails are mostly too soft for conventional mountain bikes.
This bike is suitable for general riding on soft terrain, and also for serious back-country expedition touring.
It has braze-ons for front and rear racks, and has a very considerable carrying capacity.
ㅡ 古 SheldonBrown 님의 원문 퍼옴 ㅡ
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