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청죽님의 길

뽀스2007.08.21 05:35조회 수 953댓글 11

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gozldgkssha ehRlfh...!!

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가족휴가... (by a8884) 유머 감각이 퇴화하고 있어요. (by 靑竹)

댓글 달기

댓글 11
  • 사진을 잘 찍으셨군요.
    좋은 사진입니다. 퍼가요.^^

    (빤쮸 세 벌에 이어서 내 소유의 길이 또 나타나다니
    역시 말년 사주가 확 핀다는 말이 맞는가 보당..켈켈)
  • 자전거 팔렸나요?????
    모르고 있었는뎅 ^^;;
  • 운세를 보아하니 그 자전거 50일쯤 지나야 팔릴 팔자입니다. ㅎㅎ
  • 청죽님은 CCTV로 감시중???ㅡ,.ㅡ;;
  • 이번주말에 산에갈때 왈바사상 최초로 미니벨로 가지고 가야할듯.......ㅡ,.ㅡ;;;
  • 청죽길..... = 안전구역???
    흠~~ 이젠..지역 공무원들까지(???)....청죽교 교파를 설파하셨네요....!

  • 음....좋은 사진 잘보고 갑니다 뽀스님^^
  • 그 위에 쭈꾸미별 우주선이 24시간 떠 있다는군요...^^ㅎ
  • My way : Song by Frank Sinatra

    And now
    the end is near
    and so I face
    the final curtain
    My friend
    I'll say it clear
    I'll state my case
    of which I'm certain
    I've lived
    a life that's full
    I traveled each
    and every highway
    And more
    much more than this
    I did it my way

    I've had a few
    but then again
    too few to mention
    I did
    what I had to do
    and so it thru
    without exemption
    I planned
    each chartered course
    each careful step
    along the by way
    And more
    much more than this
    I did it my way

    Yes there were times
    I'm sure you knew
    when I bit off
    more than I could chew
    But thru it all
    when there was doubt
    I ate it up
    and spit it out
    I faced it all
    and I stood tall
    and did it my way

    I've loved
    I've laughed and cried
    I've had my fill
    my share of losing
    And now
    as tears subside
    I find it all
    so amusing
    To think
    I did all that
    and may I say
    not in a shy way
    Oh no
    oh no not me
    I did it my way

    For what is a man
    what has he got
    if not himself
    then he has not
    to say the things
    he truly feels
    And not the words
    of one who kneels
    The record shows
    I took the blows
    and did it my way

    It was my way

  • 저길이 그길???
  • ㅋㅋ
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