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에픽 라이드(Epic ride)란 정확히 무슨 뜻이지 아시는 분계세요?

팥·2003.05.01 16:07조회 수 1132댓글 0

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bikeaddict.com에서 퍼왔습니다.

Epic n. a ride that must last for at least six hours and include at least three mechanicals that add at least an extra hour to the ride time. Epics are usually started with a statement like "the trail is buff, should only take three hours." Similar to death march.

무척 길고 끈적끈적하게(?)타는 라이딩 스타일을 말하는것 같습니다. 개척
라이딩 같은 경우도 여기에 포함시킬수 있지 않을까요?

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지금 장난합니까...-.- (by ........) 포도님께 감사드립니다 ^.^... (by rampkiss)

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