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Miami cyclist falls 70ft from bridge - bike stolen

spatty2004.02.13 14:08조회 수 270댓글 0

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얼마전 미국 마이애미주에서 클라인사의 싸이클을 타던 사람이 자신의 실수로 다리난간을 넘어 약 21M의 다리 위에서 바다로 떨어졌으나, 무사히 구출된 기적같은 일이 있었습니다.
그 사람은 구출직 후 다리 위로 달려갔으나, 자전거는 누군가 벌써 훔쳐간 뒤였답답니다.
Klein사에서는 기적같은 일이라고 하면서 무상으로 새 자전거를 제공키로 하였답답니다. 그리고 도난당한 자전거에는 500불을 현상금으로 걸었다는군요.
아마 홍보 효과를 노린 일로 보이긴하나, 우리나라에서라면 이런일이 가능할까

아래는 원문입니다.

Miami cyclist falls 70ft from bridge - bike stolen

In a truly amazing story, 26-year-old Miami cyclist Jose Arellano survived a
tremendous fall from the Miami’s Rickenbacker Causeway.

After being pulled from the ocean by a fisherman, Jose rushed to the top of the bridge only to find that a passerby had stolen his Klein bike.

Arellano is a customer of Miami Klein dealer Max Berger. Max calls the story, “amazing.” “The Causeway is where we go in Miami to ride hills; we ride it all the time. It blew me away when Jose came into my store yesterday and told me what had happened, that’s a big fall.”

According to the Miami Herald, a witness says, “Arellano's front tire hit a
pipe, flipping the bike and sending Arellano airborne over the barrier on the north side of the bridge.” The same witness believes, “it’s a miracle he’s alive.”

Klein Bicycles Connie Ryland is determined to help Arellano recover from his dramatic brush with disaster. “Klein will replace Jose’s bike. We will build him a brand new custom painted Klein. We are as dedicated to our customers as they are to us. We want Jose to be a Klein customer for life.”

Klein is currently working with Max Berger of Miami’s Bikes to Go in an effort to replace the bike. In addition, Klein has offered a $500 reward to anyone who returns Arellano’s stolen yellow Klein to Bikes to Go. Look for further details to be released as soon as they are available.

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음...........그러니깐~! (by 풍월주인) 말씀이 지나치시군요.. (by 공이)

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