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Fizik Ass

mtbiker2010.12.07 03:22조회 수 5933댓글 0

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Top Features of the Fizik Zeak 8mm Saddle

  • Black Manganese 8mm rails
  • Nylon carbon reinforced shell
  • Meryl Techno cover
  • Meryl Techno thigh glides
  • 379g
  • Gender: Male
  • Use: MTB
  • Weight (g): 379
  • Rail Material: Kium

The new all mountain saddle featuring A.S.S (Action specific seating).





There are two main reasons the Fizik Zeak Saddle is different than other enduro/all-mountain saddles. One is the extremely comfortable forward position; the second is the extremely comfortable rearward position. The Zea:k has been designed for the extremes. Fizik calls it A.S.S., Action Specific Seating. The front is generously padded while the rear has Fizik's Tail Flex underneath the saddle cover.

You may have noticed that it looks, at least from the side, a good bit like Fizik's Free:k. That's from the side -- the Free:k doesn't have padding. But it does share side panels that you can grip with your inner thighs and an under nose design that is easy to grab with your hand or rest on your shoulder.

The K:ium rails (pronounced "Koom," rhymes with zoom) offer a better ride than the standard titanium rails. They're 8% lighter, have greater strength to weight ratio, and damp more vibration. The damping is thanks to the Silicium. The shiny look is thanks to the chrome content. The chrome increases corrosion resistance, which helps with overall durability.

The Fizik Zeak Saddle is 285mm long and 125mm wide. The saddle possesses Fizik's Integrated Clip System (ICS), a means by which to attach a Fizik blinky light or a saddle bag directly to the saddle without the need for straps. The covering is Black Microtex. There is a grippy finish to the Fizik logos and the tail area has been covered with a rough, durable cover called Meryl Technio, which is basically Cordura.

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