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십자수님 ..선물...

scifo102008.11.13 20:56조회 수 1726댓글 6

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Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut 2: Nope.
Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to... Break into song?
Astronaut 2: Yep.

I love the mountains
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world
And all its sights and sounds
Boom De Ah Dah, Boom De Ah Dah (twice)
I love the oceans
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast
I love Egyptian kings
I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom De Ah Dah, Boom De Ah Dah (twice)
I love tornadoes
I love arachnids
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world
It's such a brilliant place
Boom De Ah Dah, Boom De Ah Dah (repeating until fade)

붐디아나 붐디아나 붐디아나..

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닦으면 복이옵니다 >_<광고글이여요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ (by bestist1) 장갑 이야기^^~ (by lady99)

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